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When a customer calls, are you ready to answer?

Today’s IVR responds to calls more quickly, handles fluctuating call volumes and directs client inquiries more intelligently. Learn more or request a free assessment today.

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Request a free assessment of your current IVR

Aizan technologies inc - interactive voice response (ivr)

Drive better financial performance while improving your customers’ experience

Experience the power of our reliable, cloud-native solution which is customized to meet the unique needs of your business and its customers. With multiple data and telephony connections, seamless connectivity is guaranteed. Our resilient IVR (RiVR) product design prioritizes customer experience through intelligent routing for optimal first call resolution, ensuring every call is answered, even during peak times, protecting your call center from overload. Gain valuable insights through comprehensive reports and automated post-call surveys, empowering ongoing system customization and improvement. Upgrade to Aizan’s RiVR and unlock a new level of efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Aizan technologies inc - interactive voice response (ivr)

Implementing intelligent IVR is easier than you think

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A robust solution

A reliable, cloud-native solution which utilizes multiple data and telephony connections, ensuring connectivity. Adaptable to your needs, including language preferences and the ability to self-configure features.

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Intelligent IVR

The sensibility of this solution is the integration between self-service capability and the system intelligence to know when a live agent is the best option, advancing the opportunity for first call resolution.

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Resilient design

The Resilient IVR (RiVR) design prioritizes the customer experience, ensuring that every call is answered during a spike event, while also protecting the call centre from being overwhelmed with calls.

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High capacity call queuing

When placing customers into a queue becomes necessary, high capacity queuing let’s your customers know when they will be served and offers them the option to receive a callback instead of continuing to hold.

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Custom reports

An abundance of reports, detailing key performance indicators and caller trends, that form the foundation for ongoing system customization and improvement, while raising the level of customer experience.

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Post call survey

Receive invaluable customer feedback in near real time. Ask one or more questions at the end of the call. The customer's verbal response is automatically transcribed and converted to text for easy management.

Aizan technologies inc - interactive voice response (ivr)
Aizan technologies inc - interactive voice response (ivr)
Aizan technologies inc - interactive voice response (ivr)

Ask us for a free assessment of your current IVR.

Schedule a free* demonstration today and see our IVR in action.

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*some conditions apply

Aizan technologies inc - interactive voice response (ivr)


Years of experience

+1.9 Million

Numbers under management

+1.2 Billion 🔥

Call minutes routed annually

+25 Thousand

Different voice channels